Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm Back!!!

This was us just over two weeks ago on our way to board the first plane in our two plane journey to LA. Damn it went quick! We had a blast and I'll be blogging pix for weeks, months, maybe years, there are almost 10,000 of them after all. LOL Yes, we took that many pix. L to R - Hubby, Princess & the Pea, Me (in back), The Kid (in front), Son#1's girl (in back), Princess One (in front) and Son#1. I think we look rather good for 4:30 in the morning and no sleep.

So while I was away Fallen Angel Reviews loaded last months reviews and I wasn't here to blog them so I'm blogging them now.

Stone's Soul - Lexxie Couper - Review
Tequila Truth - Mari Carr - Review
Lily Blossoms - NJ Walters - Review
Sensual Spell - Rachel Carrington - Review
Broken Pentacle - Eden Rivers - Review
Hungry For More - Diana Holquist - Review
Insatiable Desire - Rita Herron - Review
Sin In Jeans: The Hussies Series - Ciana Stone - Review
The Preacher's Daughters: Wild Chaote - Sheri Gilmore - Review
The Long Road Home - Lauren Sharman - Review

Rachel C


  1. It's lovely to have you back. Glad you had a great time. Now it's time to get back into the writing woman. LOL.


  2. Wow that time did fly didn't it. It's great to have you back and I'm looking forward to all the pics. :)

