Monday, May 12, 2008

Book Cover Gods pay a visit to Devon.

The Gods that handle book covers are surely smiling on Devon. This is the book cover for Addicted. There's just one word; HOT! It fits the story perfectly and we're sooooo excited to have such good luck with it. (Yes I used the royal 'we', but hey, she's my CP and I've been with this book from the ground up) Still don't have a release date but she is on the coming soon page at The Wild Rose Press website. (link in sidebar) Can't wait for it to come out, especially now we have a cover.

I should be so lucky when my turn comes.

Rachel C

Had to come back and tell you Devon just got the book trailer that the talented Allie Boniface made for her.
It's really cool and fits so well with the story.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your support. I am so beside myself with all of this. The cover and trailer are more than I ever could imagine! You're next!

    Love ya!
