Thursday, March 13, 2008

Getting serious.

I've spent the last few days getting my wordpress blog up and running. I'm not leaving this one but I wanted a site where I could have a couple of pages to put up some excerpts and some more info on me and my writing. Now before you all rush over there and take a look let me say it's still in the setup stage. I have been brave though and put an excerpt on the A taste of what's coming page. Stop! Again, before you rush over there, if you're under 18 you can't go. Sorry but some of my writing would be considered inappropriate for you. so once you've all checked your driver licences to see if you're old enough the link is on the side bar but I'll put it here for easy access.
Feel free to pop over there and have a look. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. I'd welcome any hints on making the site better.

Sven is going good. I'm up to 28,274 words for On a Wing and I've started the short story Flash Point, the excerpt on wordpress is from Flash Point. At this point my total for Sven is 7,355. I'm planning on doing some more after dinner tonight as Hubby is away in India and once the kids go to bed it's nice and quiet (except my music) for me to write.

People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of. - Beth Bingham

Rachel C

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